Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April Showers

It used to rain us out every year when my family went camping over spring break. Now my beloved home state is in a drought, so I'm hoping to send out good mojo with my playlist this month. While you're listening, be sure to throw in a rain dance for good measure!

April Showers

Track 1/ Little April Shower by Disney Chorus
Can you guess which classic Disney movie this track is from?! This is one of my favorites, and probably started my love for choral music before I was even fathomed to be in one. Also, musical rainstorms are the best. 

Track 11/ Raincoat by Kelly Sweet
I don't know where I found this track, but I've been using it as a wake-up alarm for years. Her name precisely describes her voice, and this saccharine song is the perfect start to a tough morning. 

Track 14/ Warm Water by Banks
Reppin' my SoCal pride, it's easy to say Banks is my newest favorite songwriter. Her songs are magnetic and this track sounds dark and drippy in all the right ways. 

Thanks for listening (rainfully)!
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